Today's comic, Random Encounter, for Wednesday 16th of October 2024

Today's comic, Merc, for Wednesday 16th of October 2024

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Today's comic, Somewhere Far Away, for Wednesday 16th of October 2024

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Random Encounter Merc Somewhere Far Away Heretic Random Encounter Death's Door Ace

Wednesday 16 October

Very, very sick today. So instead of doing smart things I'm doing dumb things and catching up on all the updates.

Here's Monday's Random Encounter update! Well it was never going to be a good plan coming from her.

Here's yesterday's delayed Merc update! Also another bad plan. And well he can't help himself.

And here's today's Somewhere Far Away update! I can't believe Bluff died in a flashback (ik ik it's not a flashback it just happens before Random Encounter)

Tuesday 15 October

Got lots of comics sketched but nothing finished aggg. Too tired and too busy... I'm gonna try to regroup and aim for a Somewhere Far Away update tomorrow, and hold on to Random Encounter for Friday. So tireddddd

Monday 14 October

Phewww unfortunately was too super busy this weekend and haven't had time to get a Random Encounter update done... I ended up driving several towns over to get a new cat. And she is super friendly and kept waking me up half the night lol. Then I had a bunch of other stuff to organise and well, I ran out of time! Hopefully I can get something updated tomorrow though, either Random Encounter or Merc... we'll seeeeee

Sunday 13 October

Here's today's Ace update! Super busy this weekend so hopefully I can get Random Encounter done tomorrow orz

Saturday 12 October

Time for this week's Death's Door update! Just a one page this week, and it's.. ohhhh

Friday 11 October

Woo finally Friday... and heeeeerrreeeee is today's Random Encounter update! Just one page today, lol. Super busy with work as usual alas. Can't believe people expect me to actually develop software at my dev job smh.

Thursday 10 October

Here's today's Heretic update! Fancy way of saying he's lost.

Wednesday 9 October

Pretty much just been lumping around feeling sad because I miss my cat today. But then I somehow got a Somewhere Far Away update! Probably from because I am kinda stoked to be doing a more sci-fi comic for a change, lol. Get to draw a cool alien. Well. Realistically are they different from if I just decided to make them a regular LaRaGa species?? Maybe no but still.

Tuesday 8 October

Here's this week's Merc update! I thought about doing another extra page update today but instead I was busy doing everything as usual agh

Monday 7 October

Comic time, time for comics! I decided today too is little catch up day, so today's update is a 3 pages of Random Encounter update, starting from there! Idk I hit the fast forward button, it's fun to draw pages where people are walking and everything is green.

Sunday 6 October

Here's this week's Ace update! Well but her spell must have worked because he's not rhyming now is he

Saturday 5 October

Some days you don't wanna draw anything and some days you want to draw everything so anyway this week's Death's Door update is 4 pages, starting from Death's Door update! Idk I want to try to catch up on some of the comics I miss but it's haaaarddddd.

I mean, I guess I could like, hold pages as a buffer instead of doing stuff like posting a bunch of pages at once. But that doesn't sound like something I could actually do. Gotta strike when the iron is hot, and then post everythingggg

Friday 4 October

I think I'm coming down with something but I somehow a Random Encounter update! Thanks Peony

Thursday 3 October

Here's this week's Heretic update! Me realising I can sneak Claw in the background

Wednesday 2 October

Right! It's Wednesday! It's change the schedule time! What with Peony being over again. So... I was originally planning to do Mysteries of the Obscured again since it's been hanging for a while but then I got deep into Bluff mode and well for now Wednesday updates will be Somewhere Far Away! Will see where we stand in one volume's time because also I gotta figure out where I put my notes for this comic. Why am I constantly misplacing my notes...

Tuesday 1 October

Welcome to October here's a Random Encounter update! Trying to get back to things. Being sick. The usual. Anyway, Mana's a lot more cautious about letting the kids out after losing one of them I guess.

Monday 30 September

Hmmm ended up staying out all night instead, so comic will be late! I'm hoping to update Random Encounter tomorroww and then uhh. See what happens.

Sunday 29 September

Running a lot late because I've been super sick all weekend orz. I'm hoping to be able to draw stuff after I have a nap and maybe manage just a lil late update. And then try really hard to get back to regular updates for next week. We'll seeeeee

Late update: alright I'm back with the whole of the rest of Peony! Starting from right here! So that is that, for until I decide to come back and do another little extra part of it for fun. And unless I suddenly get a new idea for something else to do with it. So... I'll try now to get back to regular updates. Still super sad and pretty unwell so I'll see what I can do. And then I will need to decide what to update in Peony's place.

Friday 27 September

Well today ended up a little ok for drawing. So here's the other page of that Darkness Falls volume! And tomorrow... idk I probably will miss an update because I'll be out all evening. But hey anything is possible.

Thursday 26 September

Ehhhhnnn ended up having too much stuff today so no comic today, will try to get it done for tomorrow.

Wednesday 25 September

Gonna slowly ease back into updating comics, I think. So for today here's a Darkness Falls update! Tomorrow will be the other page of this lil silly Darkness Falls volume, and then after that, uhhh... I'll see how I feel? I might then jump into finishing off the last few pages of Peony before attempting regular updates, but we'll see how it goes.

Monday 23 September

Taking a little break at the moment because I lost my beloved old cat last week. That's two 21-year old cats I've lost during the run of this comic, why can't cats live forever.... I'm slowly working on comics but mainly wallowing. I will return... sometime this week.

Thursday 19 September

PHEWWW WWW WWW I BARELY MADE IT. Happy 20 years of DHSComix!!! In order to celebrate I have foolishly updated 20 different comics.

Some of them are extra regular updates, some of them are just an additional page at the end of the story, some an epilogue, some the start of the next story that will be told for those comics that aren't currently updating, and some... idk Random Encounter is hard, I just keep adding pages to this year's April fools' volume on the sly, lol.

Alright here's the list of updated comics!! In order of, when I drew the page lol:

Way Back Home
I'm Not a Trickster!
Darkness Falls
Short Shift
Loose Change
Free Turn
Random Encounter
Mysteries of the Obscured
The Breaking
Somewhere Far Away
The Rose of Gaea

I'm going to bed. This week is wild I will probably take tomorrow off from drawing comics.

Thanks everyone for reading, you all mean the world to me! I hope to draw many more comics!!!

Wednesday 18 September

Here's this week's Peony update! Geniuses on patrol.

Phewww I'm trying to get lots of stuff done. Hey did you know tomorrow is the 20 year anniversary of DHSComix?? SURPRISE IT IS. I'm working real hard to prepare something special!! Life do keep trying to get in the way of me getting things done though aggg. I will definitely post something special, fingers crossed it will be to the scale I want it to be!! ANYWAY SEE YOU THEN!!!

Tuesday 17 September

Here's this week's Merc update! She does have a lot of experience tracking transforming monsters though.

Monday 16 September

Slowly trying to get back on track. This week gonna be... super busy. For comics! Anyway here's today's Random Encounter update! C'mon what could possibly go wrong

Sunday 15 September

Super busy and sick and I find myself sleeping instead of drawing this comic agh. I'll have a sleep and try to get a something done before lunchtime!!

Late update: here's this week's Death's Door update! Gonna try to keep drawing, slowly working on Ace then I super gots to start the next Random Encounter page aaaaggg

Double late update: AND HERE'S ACE alright back to the comicsmine

Saturday 14 September

Death's Door's started but it's slowwwly underway from me being so busy and sleepy... got lots of family stuff this weekend but hopefully it will be up tomorrowwww

Friday 13 September

Here's this week's Heretic update! Barely managed an update lol it is 1am I should go to bed

Thursday 12 September

I decided it's time for this week's Merc update! Since I was suuuper busy again and got kind of distracted. I'm thinking I might update Heretic tomorrow instead of Random Encounter but I am not thinking very hard so we'll see what happens.

Wednesday 11 September

Here's this week's Peony update! Well, it's true.